Black Then Black Now

Black Then Black Now were a series of art performances and workshops curated from real life stories of the diaspora surrounding food, creativity, art, health and wellbeing.

The 3days of history and futurity were commissioned by The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust, programmed and produced by Big People Music to engage audiences interested in PanAfrican culture to experience what it means and why unifying a social movement forward is crucial to how we define a legacy, reshaping social stereotypes of what “black” history is. History.

Experiences featured music performances from local creatives, a food festival by Sawa BBQ, hair science art workshops by Sophia Reeves, futurist analogies by Elmi Ali and keisha Thompson, Yoga workshops by Nai Davina, Archivation by the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Centre and Fine art workshops by Rakaya Cohen.

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